Pregnancy During Covid-19

Dear Friends,

Your pregnancy ought to be one of the happiest, most content periods of your life – you may be feeling a bit robbed of this experience. While you may have imagined shopping endlessly browsing clothing and nursery gear, you’ve found yourself staying at home for safety and possibly experiencing a higher level of anxiety than most. Let’s consider a few things that may help ease your anxiety.

Most expecting parents are concerned about continued care; prenatal appointments, delivery and how safe the infant will be within their chosen medical facility. Currently, even though most medical offices have re-opened in Vermont, continuing appointments may be scheduled based on risk assessments (i.e., high risk pregnancies vs. low risk). Every effort we can take to limit exposure to public areas is ultimately best. In many cases, speaking on the telephone or video-conferencing with your physician can adequately monitor your progress.

For delivery and facility safety at your chosen hospital – stick with the plan. Your physician’s office can answer any questions and help put your mind at ease. All Vermont hospitals have regulations in place to protect you and your baby. Keeping with your same plan most likely will avoid extra stress or anxiety; however, if this proves to be the opposite, speak with your healthcare professional for additional options.

Research to date does not reflect pregnant women being at a higher risk of contracting Covid-19, but continue to protect yourself by following the rules of social distancing, wearing a mask when out, not touching your face and washing your hands. Avoid large groups and stay home as much as possible.

Additional measures to enjoy this time in your life and self-care are important to your sense of well being. Taking the time to be mindful and experience the miracle taking place in your body, is essential to maintaining your emotional and physical balance.

Keep your body moving to increase mood, blood flow and muscle tone. Read a book aloud to the baby you’ll soon be holding. They can hear you. Make a special effort to eat healthy and get extra sleep. Practice breathing techniques. Join a yoga group through social media. Make a list of positive influencers in your life, and communicate with them often. But most of all, take time to relax and enjoy this precious time!

For additional resources please visit our website , call the Vermont Parents Helpline at 1-800(CHILDREN) or call 2-1-1 for more information and resources.

Thank you for all you do to keep our communities healthy!


PCAVT's Shaken Baby Syndrome/Abusive Head Trauma Prevention Program