Safe Environments for Infants & Toddlers Empirical Basis and Evaluation Results

Prevent Child Abuse Vermont has developed empirically-informed training for adults and students on prevention topics. Each training is trauma-informed, promotes protective factors that are indicated by research, and engages public responsibility to protect children. Attendees show increased knowledge about abusive head trauma & infant safe sleep[1], identifying sentinel bruises[2], identifying risk factors and preventative factors[3] and how to care for the neonatal abstinence infant[4] along with improved skills to keep children safe from these types of type of trauma. All of our participants have the opportunity to evaluate the training. The results of these evaluations show statistically significant improvement.

Evaluation Results

Shaken Baby Syndrome/Abusive Head Trauma Prevention & Infant Safe Sleep

What’s That Mark? When to Sweat the Small Stuff

Overcoming Barriers to Keeping Young Children Safe from Physical Abuse

Understanding Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome & Caring for the Affected Infant